Blue Hosting Server

Protect your website data

Secure your website data from hackers and get a trusted score from every security online protocol.

Highly secure SSL certificates

Secure your site and add trust & confidence for your visitors

Domain Validation (DV)

Basic Security

Issued in minutes, ideal for blogs, social media & personal websites

Organization Validation (OV)

Strong business level SSL

Company identity included in the certificate, ideal for business websites

Extended Validation (EV)

Maximum Protection & Trust

Green address bar & company name displayed, ideal for e-commerce

Get a site-lock from us

Get a site lock for your website. We provide both premium and free SSL for you. Free SSL is coming from the Cpanel provider. This free one is also good for a start-up. Those are pre-install with your panel. Besides that free SSL, we have a lot of premium encrypted certificates for your domain.  We have 256-Bit Encryption with $500 – $1,250,000 Warranty Value.

site lock

CodeGuard Website Backup

Automated change monitoring & website backups in the cloud

Protect your website data

By using codegurd your website will more secure and never will be infected with Malware. We have many packages for you today to secure your website. If you are using a specific server like VPS and a dedicated server then you need to have a codegurd plane.  

site lock

CodeGuard + SSL certificates

These two features can make your website more secure and protected. From now you don’t need to worry about losing data and also don’t need to worry about trust issues. Your website will be encrypted from reading, viewing, and editing. These features will not break your bank but you can have these at a low price. Take this step to secure your website and your customers.